Indian NEON Scout Series Stuns

Whether you like cruisers, or you don’t, when something that looks as good as these latest Indian specials do, one must simply tip your hat in appreciation. Built via a collaboration of Paris based dealer Indian Etoile and custom bike builders Tank Machine, they’ve taken the base Scout Bobber Sixty and cranked the awesome factor up to eleven. As cool-looking cruisers go, these are about as good as it gets.
Indian has always been a slight oddball in the cruiser market, in that their bikes seem to have a habit of appealing to those who usually wouldn’t touch one with a barge pole. It’s the engines, you see, which are just brilliant and almost always made other, more famous brand cruiser motors seem a bit limp. The designs also had a bit more of the cool vibe edge to them too, which has just been uber amplified by Tank Machine et al.
Available in three colourways, some of the modifications to the Bobbers include new upholstery, fork gators, a new headlamp and a thumping Supertrapp exhaust among other bits and bobs. That exhaust looks fabulous, and trust us the boom from an Indian with an open pipe will melt the heart of even the hardiest of sports bike enthusiasts.
“I really wanted to imagine some intense colour and work on a new line that would redraw the Indian Scout’s tank. It is a bold choice because I decided to integrate Fluro colours to achieve this. I did not want this series to just be another build among others, the intention really was to start a new trend”
said Tank Machine Founder Clement Molina.

“While selecting the colour mixes to present to Indian Étoile, I immediately hooked on three schemes but found it impossible to make a choice of just one. I am incredibly lucky to have a partner who trusts me completely on these innovative projects. So, Sebastien from Indian Étoile agreed to create all three bikes. The name of the series seemed so obvious, the motorcycles are so luminous in these Fluro colours, that we decided to baptise them NEON. We chose the Scout Bobber Sixty in order to have a purified base for the modifications we were going to make, and once the colour schemes were set, we set about choosing and developing a range of accessories to really pull the project together. This includes a Dirt Track style for the light nacelle, street handlebars with accoutrements plus a Supertrapp exhaust”.
Well, Clement, you’ve done a bob-on job here, they look bloody awesome. Anyone interested in one of these beauties should head to Indian Etoile’s website, where you should find all you need to know to bag one.

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