Refresh your kit ready for 2020!
If your bike is all tucked away for winter and you’re waiting for better (and warmer) weather to come around, now could be the perfect time to go through your riding kit and give it a bit of a refresh ready for the new year.

Check your helmet…
You’ve only got one head – so it’s extremely important to look after it. Most helmet brands recommend you replace your helmet every five years, so it might be worth having a think about when you bought it and think about spending some of your Christmas money on a new lid. However, should you drop your helmet or if there are any visible signs of damage, it would be worth sending it to be checked out in case of any internal damage to the inner shell.
Even if your helmet is new, why not give it a spring clean? Clean out the vents using a cotton bud, give the outside a clean and take out the liner – if it’s removable and washable – and give them a refresh. It’s also a good time to check your visor for scratches – they can scatter the light making it difficult to ride in the dark.
Give your kit some TLC…
First of all – empty those pockets! You never know what you might find… money, receipts and sometimes even sweets.
If you’ve got leathers, maybe think about giving them a clean with some leather cleaner and feed them with some leather ‘food’. Check them over for any loose stitching or wear than may need repairing.
Textile wearers can refresh their waterproof membranes by sticking it in a washer or treating with a waterproofing spray. Be sure to check the information for your garments though before washing and also remember to remove the armour.
Take a close look at your gloves and boots too – make sure the fixtures and fasteners are secure, the linings and insoles aren’t too worn and use the opportunity to repair or replace anything that is broken.

Remember, it’s important to check your kit throughout the year, to ensure it’s able to work as it should and protect you from the elements or in case of an accident.