What to expect… on your Module Two test
Module Two test

What to expect… on your Module Two test
You’ve bagged your theory test, passed your CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) and maneuvered your way through the Module One test, so now it’s time for Module Two. But what can you look forward to? The final hurdle between you and the open road…
Not there yet? We’ve covered what to expect from your CBT and your Module One test.
You can’t do your Module Two test before your Module One – we’d like to think that goes without saying, but we thought we’d start off by stating the obvious. Some people like to book them in close succession to each other to get them out of the way and ticked off, but there are risks with doing that. If you don’t pass module one, then you have to wait three working days before you can retake it… so make sure you’ve got a few days in between just in case!
Module two is often referred to as the road part of your test. On your module one test, you show the examiner that you can U-Turn and slow ride your bike like a pro, which means module two is the part where you show them how you apply this machine control on the road and encounter other road users.
How long does it take?
It takes around 40 minutes – which can feel like a long time when you’re concentrating. So try your best to relax but stay alert…
How much does it cost?
It depends when you want to do it. On weekdays, it is £75 on evenings, weekends and bank holidays it’s £88.50. The feeling of riding your bike on the open road once you’ve passed? Priceless…
Most training schools will combine the costs of your tests and training together, so be sure to check with them what is included.
What do I need to bring with me?
Basically everything you took to the module one test, with the addition of your module one pass certificate.
You must also wear suitable clothing – if you’ve got to your module two and you’re still unsure what constitutes ‘suitable clothing’, then feel free to go back and read ‘What to expect… on your Module One test’.

How do I pass?
First up, you’ll need to read a number plate. Sounds easy right? But if you fail, you can fail your whole test straight away – so it may be worth practicing. The distance is 20 metres for vehicles with a new-style number plate (that’s the plates that start with two letters followed by two numbers) and 20.5 metres for old-style number plates.
Then comes the ‘Show me, tell me’ questions. You will have run through a number of these with your riding instructor already and they will have told you how to answer. There’s a handy list – along with the correct answers – on the GOV.UK website too, so it would be worth doing some reading up. Expect questions like: “Show me how you switch your headlight from dipped to main beam.” or “Tell me how you would check that the lights and reflectors are clean and working.”
Now it’s time to get on and ride. Your examiner will see how you deal with a variety of road and traffic conditions – but not motorways. Just like while you’re learning, you’ll receive instructions through a radio. You’ll be asked to carry out normal stops, an angled start (pulling out from behind a parked vehicle) and a hill start (if possible).
During the test there will be around 10 minutes of ‘independent riding’ as your examiner will want to see you riding safely while making your own decisions. The examiner will ask you to follow road signs to a particular location or give you a series of directions for you to follow. You won’t fail if you go off the route, but you can ask if you need directions repeating – but it’s worth noting that you can’t use a sat nav.
When do I know if I’ve passed?
You will be told straight after the test if it’s a pass or a fail. And just like your module one test, there are three kinds of faults that the examiner will be noting down: Dangerous, Serious or Riding. To pass, you must make no serious or dangerous faults and no more than 10 riding faults.
Your examiner will run through everything with you at the end of the test, running through any faults you made. If you pass, then you’ll be given your pass certificate and asked if you want your full licence to be sent to you automatically – in which case, hand over your provisional licence and they’ll send everything off for you.
If you fail, then you will need to book another module two test. You have to choose a date at least 10 working days away – oh, and you’ll need to pay again.
If I’ve passed, do I have to wait until I have my licence back to head out on two wheels?
You don’t have to wait for your full licence to arrive if you’ve passed and you can start riding without L plates straight away. If your licence hasn’t arrived three weeks after you applied, then we’d suggest calling the DVLA to check on it.
What next?
You’ve done it! Welcome to the gang!
Although, bear in mind, just because you have your licence, it doesn’t mean you stop learning. Everytime you go out on your scooter or motorcycle, it is likely you’re going to encounter something you can learn from. You could always look into advancing riding courses too – such as Bike Safe, RoSPA or the IAM.

That’s all for now folks!
#StaySafe, #StayAlert, #StayPositive and keep washing those hands (yes, it’s still important!).